Blog Entry #2

As I sit here and think back on my primary and secondary schooling, I start to think about the essential elements I was taught during writing instruction. I keep thinking about the same thing over and over again that I was taught throughout almost my whole time in 


BRAINSTORMING. Brainstorming was one of the most important aspects of writing..... at least my teachers made it seem that way. We would spend a whole 1-2 classes just brainstorming ideas and outlining our papers before even starting a rough draft. I am always someone who wants to just jump right in so this always taught me a lot of patience and how to plan my writing out more. 

Do I still brainstorm as much as I did throughout my K-12 days? Uh no, I don't. Whoops, I am definitely guilty of jumping right into my papers again. On the bright side, grad school has made me plan my papers out again so I guess you can say I am getting back on track to being a "good writer."

As a teacher during the Horizons program over the summer, I would always make sure my students were doing some independent writing every morning when they came in. I gave them a writing prompt EVERY morning. 

Boyyyyyyy were they not happy about it, especially because I was making them THINK and WRITE during their summer break. Although, they did not enjoy the writing I was able to see their progress throughout the weeks from their spelling to how much they wrote. In the beginning, I would get one or two sentences. By the end of the program, I was getting 5-6 sentences. They were also having little to no spelling errors by the end as well. 

Although I know they will not forgive me quite yet for making them write every morning bright and early. I hope one day they will appreciate it. If six weeks of writing can make them stronger writers, imagine what they would've been able to do if we had a full school year together! Seeing their progress was amazing but another thing I really enjoyed about it was getting to see their thoughts and getting to know them a little bit more each and every day by their personalized writing. 


  1. Taylor, I appreciate some of the significant moments you have remembered about your own experience. I wonder what aspects from the readings led you to focus on brainstorming? What about the other elements of good writing instruction the authors spoke about?


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