Blog Entry #6
Dear Dr. Jones,
I would like to say that the class is going pretty smooth so far. Last semester was a lot of heavy work and I really struggled to get through it so I feel like I am having a much better semester. It is definitely not what I expected but I really enjoy it. I usually hate writing like I mean HATE writing but I have enjoyed the writing workshops and just having time to free write with the prompts you give us. I also enjoy being able to write about a topic I feel strongly about and know a lot about.
I genuinely feel like these writing workshops have helped me overall not only as a writer but as a teacher of literacy. I feel like by the end of this semester, writing will be a strong suit of mine. I think that one of my issues is that I struggle writing formally but when I can write informally like this, I can go on and on. I think writing workshops should be incorporated in all classrooms at this point. I really think I have become a better writer because of it.
Not only has this class helped improved my writing but it has helped improved my reading as well. I say this for a few reasons but one being breaking down some difficult readings such as Kucer, Gee, and Leu. Sometimes, they are not the easiest to understand and their concepts have me really confused but when I take a step back and reread which is one of the strategies we learned in Tompkins, I better understand what I read.
I have also really enjoyed reading Tompkins so far. I have learned a lot from him about workshops, lessons, and activities that I can do with my students in different scenarios depending on what they're learning or need help in. I am very excited to be able to incorporate Tompkins into my classroom in the future. He has given me a lot of very important information about reading and writing for my students.
I think so far I am doing pretty well and not doing much of struggling which is very shocking for me. If I need help I will definitely let you know. As of right now I am feeling the semester out slowly but surely getting through it one step at a time.
Talk soon!
Taylor, your emphasis on *hating* writing made me chuckle. I am glad to see that you are finding both the content you are learning as well as the ways you are being asked to use writing as a tool to aid your learning helpful.