
Showing posts from March, 2022

Blog Entry #8

 As I was looking through all of my peers blogs, the one that stuck out to me the most was Brenna's. First and foremost, I just want to mention I love her cute little layout with the flowers, it really sets a sweet vibe. I just want to really "bless" or praise her for her blog posts. I read through all of them and I thought she really dug deep with every response she gave. She even talks about her in own experience in her first grade classroom to refer to when making connections to the readings and topics.  The one blog post I would like to talk about her blog post #2. This post was written so well and I really enjoyed reading her connections as both a learner and a teacher. I enjoy the enthusiasm she uses and how she writes like she is having a conversation with someone. I also liked how she added her own side notes/thoughts in when she was explaining her experience, for example " I remember being especially proud of this writing piece because I had worked on it for...

Blog Entry #7

 One of the readings that I enjoyed was "Letter Writing" by Tompkins. This was something that I really enjoyed reading about because there are some things that are considered letters that I would've never have thought would be. Even an email to someone is considered a type of letter which is something I never thought of before.  I also enjoyed learning about the different types of letters based on the audiences. There are courtesy letters which are thank you notes or can be invitations. Another letter would be a pen pal letter to obviously your pen pal, this can be formal or informal but usually is informal.  Some other letters are friendly letters, such as a letter that you would write to a friend to tell them some news or ask questions and then encouraging them to write you back after. I used to write letters back and forth when I was little to my step cousin that was my age. She didn't have a phone so we wrote letters back and forth and I thought it was always exci...