Blog Entry #8

 As I was looking through all of my peers blogs, the one that stuck out to me the most was Brenna's. First and foremost, I just want to mention I love her cute little layout with the flowers, it really sets a sweet vibe. I just want to really "bless" or praise her for her blog posts. I read through all of them and I thought she really dug deep with every response she gave. She even talks about her in own experience in her first grade classroom to refer to when making connections to the readings and topics. 

The one blog post I would like to talk about her blog post #2. This post was written so well and I really enjoyed reading her connections as both a learner and a teacher. I enjoy the enthusiasm she uses and how she writes like she is having a conversation with someone. I also liked how she added her own side notes/thoughts in when she was explaining her experience, for example "I remember being especially proud of this writing piece because I had worked on it for weeks, and it was almost 5 pages long (very long for a 2nd grader)!" I thought this was both cute and funny because it was considered very long to us when we were 2nd graders.

I know in the paragraph where she talks about it being difficult for first graders to work/write independently, I am curious to know how she implements writing in her classroom? I know in my Kindergarten and first grade class, we had a journal where we wrote in every day what we did the day before. We wrote a sentence or two and we had helpers (older students from different classrooms) helping with sounding out and spelling. Then we would write pictures of us doing it. I even remember writing one in kindergarten about how I got stung by a bee when I was riding my bike and I so vividly remember that picture I drew in my head. I wonder if she could incorporate something like that in her classroom if she doesn't already. 

She does say that she would implement some of these practices in her classroom so I wonder which ones she would do? I am also curious to see how that would go for her and her students. It would be a very interesting trial run to see if they are able to do some of these practices from Calkins independently!
