Blog Entry #10
As I was looking through all of my peers blogs, Sam S's blog really stood out to me. Not only is her layout so organized and pretty but I could read her blogs for HOUR. I really enjoy the pictures she chooses to add to her blogs to emphasize her thoughts.
As I was reading through Sam's posts, a few blogs caught my eye. One I really really REALLY enjoyed reading though was her second entry. She does such an amazing job making connections to her past in this blog! She wrote this blog as if it was a story and I really loved how she told it. She put a lot of her own thoughts at the time in there too which I really enjoyed and thought was extremely comical.
She connected "good writing instruction" to a project that she had to do in second grade. First I am amazed that she remembered so far back but secondly I love that she was able to find an event in her life that was able to connect with the reading as well as the writing process. We never realize how much we've used these different strategies in life until we read about them and that lightbulb pops up and reminds us of some random time a long time ago.
I also liked how Sam not only connected it to her own life experiences as a student but also as a substitute teacher. She was able to see from a teacher standpoint on how students follow this writing instruction as well. She is also able to guide students into this instruction because she was once in their shoes and she is now an expert on writing!
I would love to hear her stories one day when she finally gets the chance to implement her own writing workshops. I would love to see her different ideas and how she would decide to go about that. She is super creative so I hope I can see how she leads one in the future!
Great job Sam! Keep up the great work and thank you for telling a story that I was able to visualize as you wrote about it! This was an amazing blog!
Taylor, don't forget you need to be adding multimedia components to these entries. For example, including a link to Sam's entry so your readers can immediately click and also read and learn.