Blog Entry #13
There is so much I have learned throughout this course and I truly believe that this blog helped me remember everything I learned. It was very nice being able to write my thoughts, ideas and new learnings down in my blog for me to go back and look at. I really enjoyed being able to reflect on what I have learned as well. I am someone who needs to write everything down to really understand what I learned or just to help me collect my thoughts so this has helped a whole lot for me. I believe that I have reached all of the learning outcomes of this course on page 1 of the syllabus. The blog definitely helped and contributed a lot to my learning outcomes as well. As far as the role of purpose of audience in writing, this helped me a lot while writing my blog. I knew I was writing to my classmates as well as you (Dr. Jones). I was able to shift my thoughts and writing to write to the people I knew were going to be reading my blogs. I also think that the genre workshop has helped ...