Blog Entry #6
Dear Dr. Jones, I would like to say that the class is going pretty smooth so far. Last semester was a lot of heavy work and I really struggled to get through it so I feel like I am having a much better semester. It is definitely not what I expected but I really enjoy it. I usually hate writing like I mean HATE writing but I have enjoyed the writing workshops and just having time to free write with the prompts you give us. I also enjoy being able to write about a topic I feel strongly about and know a lot about. I genuinely feel like these writing workshops have helped me overall not only as a writer but as a teacher of literacy. I feel like by the end of this semester, writing will be a strong suit of mine. I think that one of my issues is that I struggle writing formally but when I can write informally like this, I can go on and on. I think writing workshops should be incorporated in all classrooms at this point. I really think I have become a better writer because of it....